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NASOH Awards

The North American Society of Oceanic History offers five categories of awards


1) John Lyman Book Award, named in honor of John Lyman (1921-1977) - oceanographer, maritime historian, and a founder of NASOH, are given annually by the Society in the following six categories: Canadian naval and maritime history; U.S. naval history; U.S. maritime history; science and technology; reference works and published primary sources; and biography and autobiography. Books published during the previous year or bearing a copyright date of the previous year qualify for consideration. The closing date for submissions is February 1. 


For further information contact the Awards Committee chair, Paul Fontenoy (North Carolina Maritime Museum), at

Past Lyman Award Recipients

2) K. Jack Bauer Award is given to honor those who have given distinguished service to NASOH and have made life-time contributions to the field of maritime history. Created in 1988, the award is named in honor of K. Jack Bauer (1926-1987), naval historian and founder of NASOH.


Past Bauer Award Recipients



3) Clark G. Reynolds Student Paper Award is provided each year to the author of the best paper by a graduate student delivered at the society's annual conference. Named in honor of Clark G. Reynolds (1939-2005)—naval historian, museum curator, and the first executive officer of NASOH—the prize will consist of assistance in publishing the essay in The Northern Mariner (the journal co-sponsored by NASOH and the Canadian Nautical Research Society), a membership in NASOH, a handsome plaque and the author's choice of $500 worth of books published by the University Press of Florida.


4) Chad Smith Student Travel Grants are awarded to assist students in funding travel to its annual meeting to deliver a paper at the meeting. The award is named in honor of Philip Chadwick Foster Smith, maritime museum curator, maritime historian, and an early member of NASOH.


Students, in your paper submission, please indicate that you are interested in the student conference grant and award opportunities. Upon a paper's acceptance to the annual conference program, students will be contacted directly regarding Chad Smith travel grants.


5)  James C. Bradford Dissertation Research Fellowship in Naval history honors Professor James C. Bradford, a past president of the society.  The winner will receive an award of $1,000 for doctoral dissertation research.  Preference will be on a topic of naval history, but applications for other fields of maritime history will be considered.  Applicants must be full-time graduate students whose dissertation proposals have been approved by their graduate university.  The deadline for applications will be 15 March 2015.


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